Blood Bond is the 3rd book of Heather Hildenbrand's Dirty Blood Series. Heather has graced me with an awesome opportunity to be apart of her blog tour for Blood Bond. Let me just say, this was a blast for me and I hope she allows me to participate in her following tours. With that being said, I hope you enjoy my interview and if you would like to read my review for Blood Bond, follow the link below..
Check out what happens to me when Heather sends me to Frederick Falls, VA to interview Tara and Alex...
Today I am driving to Frederick Falls Virginia to
interview Alex and Tara. Being from Northern
Virginia myself, Heather said it would only be a day trip there, giving me
plenty of time to get out before it gets dark. I made it down here without
getting lost, even with Heathers sense of humor with directions, “halfway between DC and Richmond, take 1-95
straight down. There's only one exit, though. Sort of like, if you blink,
you'll miss it, so keep an eye out. ;)” . Jack and Fee were kind enough to
open their home to me for my interview.
Actually they kind of insisted, something about rogue Hybrids and ensuring
my safety while I’m there. Jack also
arranged for me to pick up Derek at Fred’s Place in downtown Frederick Falls.
Derek is definitely not much of a passenger, he somehow convinced me to let him
drive. Maybe Jack felt I needed
protection or a babysitter to get to his house.
Maybe it’s not as safe out here as Heather said it would be, what was she
thinking sending me here? As we pull up
to the house, I see Alex and Tara are already outside waiting for me, and to my
surprise, Wes too. Derek and I get out
of the car and head towards the house.
Derek nods at Wes and takes off through the woods. Operation escort Amy
officially over. All three turn their
heads towards me as I approach, Alex, the only one smiling, mischievous thing he
is. This is going to be fun, I think.
guys, I’m Amy. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview.”
All three nod and we begin our way to the 4 chairs set up
under the trees. Not too welcoming but I guess it will do. Confused, I turn
towards the three of them.
“Um, I’m sorry Wes,
I thought Heather told you, the interview is just with Alex and Tara.”
A low growling comes from Wes. Wes scowling at Alex, “Whatever, I’ve got better things to do than
play Truth or Dare anyway.” Alex smirks at me and winks.
Not leaving far from Tara, Wes stands by the porch with a
deep scowl and crosses his arms.
Alex grabs the extra chair and takes it over to Wes, “Here ya go pup”. *Wes growls, kicks
chair over*
Alex returns, slaps hands together with a giant smile “Ok ladies, let’s begin”. Tara shaking
her head mumbles “Idiot.”
thanks for having me and taking the time to meet with me. I really think readers need to know a bit
more about the two of you since the pot has definitely been stirred with you
coming into the picture, Alex.” *Alex smirks*
“First Question is for the both of you, what were your
first impressions of each other?”
Alex: I thought she was a snotty b--”
Tara: “Alex!” *glares until he shuts up* “I
thought he was mean. Guess I wasn’t wrong.”
(Wes *snickers* behind me)
“Okay then, question
two *looking at Tara* you’ve had some major life altering events happen to you
recently. Having learned you are a hybrid, everyone wanting to kill you,
meeting Wes and Alex, finding out you’re the key to bringing peace between both
species. If you could go back and have a normal life,
not having met Wes or Alex or be a hybrid, would you do it?
Hmm… good question. As much as I want to say
yes, I can’t. Without all of this happening, I might’ve never discovered the
truth from my mom and grandma about
my family and the past, about my dad. Truth is priceless. So, no, I wouldn’t go
“Third question for
Alex”, *slowly looks up at me with those seductive eyes with a smile to stop
your heart, whoa get a grip Amy, shaking
my head* “You alright there
Amy?” “Yes, just fine Alex, question
three.” “You’ve already said that, twice
now actually.” *Alex leans forward*
“Alex, you have such a tragic past involving
werewolves, and you showed a lot of resentment when you first started mentoring
Tara. What was there about Tara or what
happened for you to change your mind about werewolves?
Tara: It was me. *says smugly*
Alex: *Alex leans back in his chair and rolls
eyes* It was a lot of things. Miles was one. I realized not everyone was good
just because they were a Hunter. Once I saw that, I had to admit that maybe not
every Werewolf was bad, either. I’m still working on it, though.
“Back to you Tara,
coming to Wood Point put a major rift in your relationship with Wes. Was going to Wood Point worth it, even with
defeating Miles and becoming a stronger hunter?”
Definitely. As much as I hate all the stuff Wes and I went through while I was at school, it strengthened our relationship. And some of it would have happened even if I’d stayed home. Plus, I’ve met some people here that mean a lot to me. Cambria… Logan … *glances at Alex* Lots of people.
(Wes *expression darkens* *crosses arms and mumbles to himself*)
“Ok Alex, next
question for you. Tell us something
about yourself? Favorite music, food, movie?”
Favorite food … I try to eat healthy most of the
time but I like good, homemade lasagna. Favorite music? Depends on the mood.
When I’m working out or lifting I like something hard with heavy guitar sounds.
When I run, something mellow and chill. It relaxes me. I don’t really watch
many movies, it’s hard to with my schedule but I like Braveheart.
Tara: of course you do *shakes head*
“Last question, Alex
when you look at Tara, what is the one word that comes to mind? Tara, same question?”
Stubborn. Stubborn. * said in unison.*
(Wes *eye roll* *walks away mumbling* “what kind of interview is this, more like
an episode of the newlywed game”)
thank you for answering my questions, It was *turning my head towards Wes* interesting. “
*Tara jumps up, shaking my hand* “It
was nice meeting you Amy and thanks for coming.
Alex, walk Amy to her car please.” Both Alex and I watch as Tara runs over to Wes. Yes! Yes! Don’t make a fool of yourself Amy, alone time with
Alex. Slowly we walk towards my car, “It was great meeting you Alex.” *whole
time Alex is staring at Tara and Wes*
“ah-hem” *clearing my throat* “Something
the matter Alex?”
Turning towards me with a confused
look, “Where you just saying something?” *sigh*
*crash and burn* *heart breaks* “No
Alex.” A girl can only dream.
Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small
town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. She
now lives in coastal VA, a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, with her husband
and two adorable children. She works from home, part time, as a property
manager and when she's not furiously pounding at the keyboard, or staring off
into space whilst plotting a new story, she's helping her husband with DIY
projects in their home (he woodworks - she paints) or she's lying on the beach,
soaking in those delicious, pre-cancerous rays.
loves Mexican food, hates socks with sandals, and if her house was on fire, the
one thing she'd grab is her DVR player.
Or stalk her here:
Heather is a co-founder of Accendo Press, a publishing group
she operates with fellow authors: Angeline Kace and Jennifer Sommersby. Accendo
(a-CH-endo), A Latin word, means “to kindle, illuminate, inflame, or set fire.”
This is something Accendo strives to do inside a reader’s imagination with
every title released. For a complete list of titles and author bios, visit