By Maggie Thom
Publication Date- October 17th, 2012
She was kidnapped not once but twice and now someone wants her dead because of it....
Her life was a lie!
Bailey knew her upbringing wasn’t normal but she’s worked hard to stabilize her life. At 29, she finally has a good business, a stable home; her life is miles from that of her childhood. Then suddenly her mother dies, leaving a gaping hole and a discovery that they may not even be related. If Guy, the private investigator is to be believed, her life is a lie. Using the skills she learned on the streets, Bailey travels back through a sketchy and dangerous past, to find answers. Dodging bullets, staying ahead of those who want her dead and convincing Guy she can do it alone, are making it difficult to discover not only the secrets of her mother’s past but that of a family claiming she is theirs.
Everyone seems to have a story... but who’s telling the truth? And who wants her dead? Is Guy part of the solution? Or part of the problem? To discover the facts, she’ll have to untangle a web of deceit, lies, and secrets, dating back over thirty years.
He strode over to her and clipped
her jaw. Her lip immediately bloomed into a fat puff ball. A buzzing sound
filled her ears. Just at that moment, the ties gave way on her wrists. She jumped
to her feet, driving the top of her head into his nose. There was a loud
cracking sound followed by his howl as he stumbled backwards. Blood gushed
between his fingers as he tried to stop the flow. She spun on her heel and made
it about three steps before his hand lashed out, grabbing her shirt. Fighting
for all she was worth, she twisted, raised her arms and ducked at the same
time. The top slipped over her head. She was free. She ran for the door.
A loud thwack sound, brought her
head around to the right. She wasn’t sure if he was a bad aim or if she was
just damned lucky but the knife he’d been holding to her neck earlier was now
embedded in the wall three inches from her chin. Panicking, she raced through
the closet, out of the bedroom, grabbing and slamming the doors behind her.
Using the railing, she jumped down the stairs, three at a time. On the main
floor, she raced for the entrance they’d used to enter the house. She was about
to shove out the makeshift door and dive through, when a bullet whizzed past
her ear.
“You’re mine.”
Raising her hands in surrender, she
turned slowly. Her gut clenched and she no longer heard the sound of anything
but the thundering of her heart.
He shot again. The impact crumpled
her leg, dropping her like a sack of potatoes to the floor. She landed heavily
on her side. The pain took a moment to register but when it hit, she clenched
her jaw, refusing to give in to the searing agony burning through her calf.
Blood flowed like a gentle fountain, up through her fingers which she’d clamped
over it. She collapsed in front of the opening.
“You will suffer as I have
With the last vestiges of strength
she had she lifted her head and faced her captor. “You win. Go ahead and kill
me, you bastard. But you better be prepared because I will haunt you for the
rest of your life. I will see you in hell.”
Goodreads- http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16069470-captured-lies
Amazon- http://www.amazon.com/Captured-Lies-ebook/dp/B009RPTFIC/
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About The Author-
Maggie Thom took the challenge and leapt off, leaving a full time twenty year career in management, to write full time. After her initial panic that she might need a straight jacket,
she published her first book Captured Lies, October 2012. And now is excited to release her
second novel, Tainted Waters, April, 2013. Her third book, Deceitful Truths (sequel to Captured
Lies) available fall of 2013. An avid reader and writer her whole life, she decided to break the
monotony of wishing to be an author by making it happen. Married to her best friend, she is
learning that humor, love and patience help her navigate her way through her twins’ teen years.
Her motto: Escape to read and Read to escape. "Maggie Thom writes a fast paced thriller laced
with romance that keeps the reader interested and on edge!" InDtale Magazine
Author Links-
Goodreads- http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6549592.Maggie_Thom
Amazon Author Page- http://www.amazon.com/Maggie-Thom/e/B009WSTDG8
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMaggieThom
Twitter- https://twitter.com/maggiethom2
Website- http://www.maggiethom.com/
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Facebook Event- https://www.facebook.com/events/177515789096166/
Amy, Lauren and Caryn, thank you for hosting me today. :)Thank you for being a part of my journey.