When fire consumes the Carlisle’s home and an obsessed serial killer continues to hunt Nicole and her family, Dylan and Bradley realize the only way to keep them alive is to help them become… invisible.
~Continue here for Author Info and Sneek Peek~
Selling Author Tiffany Carmouche has been given the title, The Queen of The
Cliffhanger and Best Unknown Author You Need to Discover. When Tiffany
Carmouché is not writing suspenseful romance novels, you can find her
sculpting, traveling, teaching, singing, dancing, escaping in music or enjoying
her family.

From skydiving in Alaska to scuba diving in Hawaii, Carmouché has traveled the world seeking adventure and it is apparent in the books she writes. Her adventures include riding camels in Africa, swimming under the stars in Puerto Rico, dancing salsa in Ecuador, and walking the cobblestone roads of Assisi, Italy. She has also found fulfillment working with the disabled and orphans in Argentina and Mexico. Her most cherished moments, however, have been watching her two beautiful daughters grow and strive to accomplish their own dreams.
Despite all of these amazing experiences, she has survived many struggles. There was a time she felt defeated, but now she is recommitted to savoring experiences both in the novels she writes and in the life she lives each day. Her secret hope is that anyone who is struggling will realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel and no matter how hard the fight, no matter how many times they have been knocked down, it is always worth staggering up to their feet and learning to breathe again. Please visit my author page at https://www.facebook.com/TiffanyCarmoucheAuthor
Sneak Peek
light peeking through the curtain of the tiny cabin squeezed through the cracks
of Dylan’s eyes. Morning. He tried to roll over onto his side and
realized his hand was caught. He yawned, trying to dislodge it and became
conscious that both hands were
the hell! His hands, they were tied to the bed. He glanced
down. His naked body was fuckin’ tied to the bed! Nicole. Nicole was
gone. Shit. What the hell happened?
He struggled to break free of the binding, but
it tightened as he wrestled with it, cutting off the circulation in his hands. Where
the hell is she? Steve captured her. Oh my god! He has her! How the
hell did he sleep through it?
scanned the room for signs of blood, signs of a struggle. She was gone. Steve
captured Nicole! He yanked, tugging at
the binding. His wallet? His wallet rested open on the dresser in front of him.
What the fuck is going on? His eyes drifted to the floor. His clothes
were gone. All of them. There was no sign Nicole had even been there. Was he
drugged? Why didn’t he wake up?
thrust his body to the side, trying to break the binding again, throwing his
shoulder out of its socket. Ahh. Pain shot through him. He gritted his
teeth. He had to find Nicole. He had to save Nicole! Despite the pain, he tried
again, propelling his body over. Ouch.
He eased back, trying to force his shoulder back into its socket with his body
must have been drugged. What time is it? He looked over at the digital
clock, Six am. What time did we go to sleep?
The stabbing pain in his shoulder intensified with every movement. Snap. His
face contorted as the shoulder finally jammed back in place.
shadow passed by the window. Too big to be Nicole. The figure hovered by the
door, taunting him. He’s back. He tugged. He pulled. I have got to
get up.
person fidgeted with the doorknob. Someone was trying to come in. He heaved his
arm forward again and fractured the wood on the bed frame. He jerked his arm
forward again. He had to break free. He had to break free. © 2013 Becoming
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