We were out of Dome Four. I was away from having to donate steam. I was free.
I laughed at the impossibility of it all.
The skyline grew in size. The sun hung low in the sky, and the shadows of the tall buildings swallowed much of the roadway ahead. But the darkness didn’t hold fear like it did in Dome Four. It held promise. Dreams. Come morning light, anything was possible.
Information whizzed along the top of the dome in the holograms. It was hard to look away from the blatant use of technology. I’d never been allowed anything other than my high-end oxygen mask. I wondered what else they had here. Would they have computers? Phones? Tablets? The possibilities were endless if they didn’t run on steam.
Thousands of questions fought for the tip of my tongue, but I had to start somewhere. “Where are we?”
My heart is still racing from this novel! The action! The imagery! The characters! I could not put this book down, which made the old 9-5 job nearly impossible to concentrate on while I read this book. This book follows Avery Pike, an Elemental, which means a person that can manipulate one of the elements because of exposure to radiation. The world has suffered through the nuclear fallout of World War III and what is left of the United States has come together under domes that protect them from the nuclear wasteland that remains. The modern age now lives on ancient technology e.g. steam. Water is the element Avery can manipulate and create into steam, which makes her a rather important person in Dome Four, and with this power comes the ever present dangers of being taken advantage of. Avery longs for freedom from producing steam and when handsome Jaxon Pierce offers her just that, she cannot resist, even if that means jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Avery is a character to admire. She is feisty and observant. Cautious, yet fearless. Strong and flexible. Avery Pike is just one of those characters that reaffirms that women are kick-a** and do not need to rely on a man to solve their problems. Although having a handsome one vie for your affection is not too bad either. I fell in love with this character; I was cheering her on the entire time! I wanted her to succeed, I felt her pain when she encountered obstacles, I cringed at her occasional awkward moments, and I jumped for joy(this actually happened), when good things happened to her. If I could give Megan Curd a standing ovation for this character alone, I would, in a heartbeat! This book was an adventure. To be completely honest, I would love to see this book as a movie, which is something I very rarely say. Steel Lily is such a vivid journey, with immense detail and beautifully constructed characters, that no director in Hollywood could screw this story up.
Please read this book. I could not recommend it more. Did you see all my exclamation points?
BIO: Megan Curd is a graduate of Northwestern College in St. Paul,
Minnesota. While having always enjoyed reading any books she could get her
hands on, Megan didn’t begin writing until a friend encouraged her to do so
while in college.
When not writing, Megan enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She loves to snowboard and travel to new places, and doesn’t turn down the opportunity to play xBox with her brother and friends when it presents itself.
Megan currently resides in Stanton, Kentucky with her husband, son, and Great Dane named Dozer.
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