Monday, July 1, 2013

Review Plus Giveaway: Love Exactly By Cassandra Giovanni

 Love Exactly
Author: Cassandra Giovanni
Adult Contemporary Romance
4 out of 5 Star Review

Emma Walker was a writer who'd lost herself to someone else's anger--who had given up on ever feeling like herself again.
Evan Levesque was a rock-god--the one all the woman wanted, but he'd never gotten used to the loneliness between the stage and real life.
With just one cup of coffee they'll begin a journey of self-discovery at each others sides, but can Emma handle Evan's fame while dealing with her own demons? Emma's checkered personal past, a bad relationship that haunts the edges of her memories, threatens to make everything implode on them when Evan takes matters into his own hands.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they'll destroy my soul--Can Emma handle being put back together and facing who she's become because of it?

My Review:

Love Exactly is a great example of a true adult romance novel. It was wonderfully written in a way that is geared for an adult. I have read adult romance books where the main character is a 30 something adult but act and do such juvenile things. In Love Exactly you have two characters that are so lost in themselves that is takes meeting each other to discover what their lives were truly missing. I liked that they actually dated, well kind of, but didn't just jump into the sack on the first page. It was wonderful to watch the growth of their relationship and within themselves.

 Emma is horribly broken, so far broken that she is truly a shell of a person. Evan is living the life of a rock god, but missing out on being with someone that can complete him. I can't even really say what it was about this book that kept me intrigued. There is no action, no suspense, it's all love and drama. The way Cassandra has written this story is fantastic. Not only do you feel empathy for the characters but you become so engrossed with seeing where their relationship is going that it becomes hard to put it down. In the end, you don't get the fairy tale happy ending, but you get a sense of completion where you think, ok, they are going to be alright. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Book Links:

E-BOOK only $1.99  Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Kobo

Paperback $12.99

Favorite Scene:

I was getting used to our long-distance relationship, which consisted of mostly text messages or face-talk when we were in similar time zones. I’d done as he asked and stopped watching his music videos, or looking for his name in magazines. It was pointless anyways; I knew the truth, so it didn’t matter. I could gather from him word had snuck out he was seeing someone and the media was hot on his trail trying to find out. They’d give up soon, he reassured me, but it was just another excuse for not writing—I was finding lots of those. I tapped on the edge of the keyboard with my fingers, pounding out a beat to the song on the internet radio. As the song ended another started that made me smile. I couldn’t help but turn the sound all the way up and jump on my bed with my brush in hand as I started to head bang to a song that didn't really require it. No one would see me anyways, so I sang off key and smiled. It was a song from the 90's—I didn't remember liking it as a kid, but the beat worked perfectly now as I swayed my hips and changed my brush into a guitar. The French doors were wide open; the breeze sending the sheer curtains billowing into the room as I sang like a teenager. There were probably people at the lake who could hear my nails-on-chalkboard voice. They probably thought I had lost it, but I didn’t care.
I jumped off the bed and twirled around with my eyes closed. When I finally came to a stop, laughing so hard I fell onto my butt, I looked up to see Evan with his hands in his back pockets, an adorable but puzzled pout on his face.
"I didn't know you were in the area," I managed to say, my face bright red.
"I didn't really think you were an Eve 6 girl, and then again, I also thought it was before your time," he observed, eyebrows raised.
"Hey," I snapped through a nervous giggle. "I’m not that much younger than you."
He shook his head and walked into my room, giving me a hand up. "Young enough."
I ran my hand over his stubble. "The only reason you look older than me is because you never shave."
"I missed you, too," he teased as he entwined his hands in mine.
"You ruined my music party." I pouted before he pulled me into a kiss.
"I thought I was your music party."
"You weren't here so I had to make my own. Pretty good, huh?"
He bit his inner cheek as he tried to control his laughter. "Honestly? I thought a harpie was dying."
I punched his shoulder and tried to pull away, but instead we both went tumbling onto my bed.

Check out theses other great tour stops with excerpts and interviews!

Tour Schedule

July 1:
·         Sara--
Excerpt and Playlist
·         Danielle--
Guest Post—Steamy Vs. Beautiful Sex Scenes
Review and Favorites Excerpt
·         Anne-
Review and Interview

July 2:
·         Maggie—
Review and Interview
·         Tiffany--
Dream Cast
·         My Guilty Obsession—
Review and My Favorite Excerpt (guest post/excerpt combo—my fav and why)

July 3:
·         Julie--
Guest Post—Pros and Cons of being Self-Published
·         Dee--
Review and Interview
·         Faith--
Faith’s choice playlist and dreamcast

July 4:
·         Nitzan-Katia Schwarz--
Guest Post—10 things I never thought I’d tell you
·         Rebekkah—
Character Interview—Evan
·         Kimberely—
Guest Post—Making Sparks Fly
·         Krystal--
Review and Evan’s Tattoo’s Guest Post

July 5:
·         Tanya--
Guest Post-How I fell in love with writing again
·         Martha--
·         Mary Sue--

July 6:
·         Nicole--
Character Top 10—Evan’s for writing music; Review
·         Vanessa--
·         Mandy--
Guest Post—YA Vs. NA
·         Jessica Tornese--
Guest Post—Writing Rituals

July 7:
·         Krista--
Review and favorites excerpt
·         Kirsty--
Character Interview--Emma
·         Christine--
Review, Excerpt and playlist

 ~Continue Here to Learn more about Cassandra!~

Author Biography:

Cassandra doesn't remember a time when she wasn't writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character's stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. In 2012 she became a published Young Adult author, releasing In Between Seasons (The Fall, #1) and Walking in the Shadows. In 2013 she branched out by using her artistic illustrating talents to publish her first Children's novel, The Adventures of Skippy Von Flippy: Tales of Friendship (Skippy Tales, #1). Cassandra will also release her first New Adult novel, Just One Cup, in the Spring of 2013.

Cassandra is a freelance professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is the owner of Gio Design Studios, a photography and publication marketing company that designs covers and marketing materials for authors utilizing the company's photography. She is currently studying to receive a degree in Marketing. Cassandra is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with the other loves of her life their dogs, Bubski and Kanga.
Author Links

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